Aaaahhh... The smell of FREEDOM is in the air. Actually, the more appropriate word would be INDEPENDENCE. It was back in 2007 when my sister and I went to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia together with her good friend, Arnel. They had plans to go to Malaysia and Hongkong after our KK trip and I can't go with them so I had to go back to the Philippines on my own. I was 21 back then and a newbie at traveling. Imagine the dread I felt when I found out that I had to stay longer because their flight is 8 hours ahead of mine. Good thing my sister left me to the ever dependable and trustworthy Tracelyn from the Sabah Tourism Board (this lady deserves a post of her own in the future). Going back, I really felt nervous but all my anxieties were erased once the plane touched down at Clark, Pampanga.
Something like this happened again this February 2011. Our family has a planned trip to Singapore but due to schedule issues I had to fly there solo. This year the Singapore Immigration is very paranoid about girls travelling alone because of the increasing number of TNTs and job hunters. I'm the perfect target... alone, single 24 yrs of age and a yuppie! Just thinking of it makes my heart jump out of my chest as I imagined myself being interrogated by Immig officials. Oh the horror! Add to that the gruesome stories from friends who were sent back home on the spot. I can't bear being sent back what with all the effort and savings I've given for this trip?!
The whole SG thing was like an extra challenge for me. It was like a multi-level game wherein I had to beat the big boss to get through the next level.
Level 1: The Philippine Immigration Officer
She was tall. Intimidating. Stern. She was very strict. She questioned a lot about my work since I declared that I am a nurse. It took about 10 to almost 15 minutes answering her questions over and over again. *rolls eyes* I thought I wouldn't get past her and I imagined myself being pulled at the Immig booth and be "profiled". I was very relieved when she (half-heartedly) stamped my passport. Jaichey wins level 1!!! yehey!
Level 2: The Singaporean Immigration Officer
He was serious looking. No smiles. Big built and looks like he means business. My heart went thumping once again. He just looked at me and smiled (surprisingly). He just asked a few basic things: where will I stay, why was I on my own, what will I do and how long will I be there. I answered every question and he just stamped away! that easy! haha Level 2--- Jaichey wins again!
So how would we all go about on flying solo? Here's a few (hopefully) helpful tidbits on my "winner" experiences:
1. Preparation is key
Prepare ahead of time. Know all the details of your trip - how long will you stay, who you'll be with, the purpose of your trip, etc. Rehearse if you must so you won't stammer plus you'll look and sound more confident if you're sure about your answers.
2. Familiarize yourself to the process.
Knowing what you need to do next reduces your anxiety. For an OC like me, it helps me feel in control of the situation. for example: have your bags screened, look for your flight sched, pay the travel tax, check in your bag and so on.
3. Make sure that all your travel docs and essentials are complete.
Since you are traveling alone anticipate everything that could happen. You wouldn't want the added stress if you forgot something. Remember, the Immig officers are very mindful of people traveling of their own so they are stricter. They may require you to present other docs which will confirm their background checks on you.
4. Remain calm at all times.
Knowing that the Immig Officers are out to get you (just kidding!), can really cause you to be anxious. Hey, don't look like you're about to poop your pants. Grace under pressure is essential at this time. Smile! Remember all the preparations you've made for the trip and just go for it.
5. Come earlier that your expected time of departure.
Should any problems arise, you'll still have the time to figure things out.
6. Look smart.
Don't look like a lost puppy. And don't over and under dress. Wear comfortable and presentable clothes for your destination. In times like these, first impressions matter. You wouldn't want to be "profiled" if you know what I mean.
7. Bring extra moolah!
this is pretty much self-explanatory..=)
8. Orient yourself.
Months or days before the trip, research about the place. Print city maps which you can use once you arrive. Ask friends who went there before and ask for tips about the transpo system, the people, weather and conditions. Knowing enough never hurts. Having a good background saves you from future travel dilemmas.
9. Be vigilant.
Extra vigilance is required when you're alone. Don't trust easily and don't let your guards down. Always be aware of your surroundings and your belongings (do travel light for your own convenience). Should you need to ask directions go to a help desk or to tourist info desks. Being careful is always your best self-defense.
10. Pray.
It always help ease our overactive nerves when we know that God's hand of protection and traveling mercies are always with us.
11. Inform your loved ones on your whereabouts.
When traveling have extra cellphone credits so you can easily contact your family and friends in case of emergencies. Do inform them that you arrived safely to ease their worries.
12. last but not the least. Enjoy!
Enjoy the whole experience whatever happens. The good thing about traveling is that whatever comes out of it you'll always gain lots of lessons and street smarts you can use in the future!
So there you go, my tips on traveling alone and conquering Immigration Officers. Feel free to add up to my list and share your solo traveling experiences!:)
*DISCLAIMER: I am not against any immigration officers as I am sure that hey are just doing their stuff. This post is made to reflect my personal experiences. I was aiming for a short post but my being madaldal (talkative) and insomniac took the better of me. I hope your patience will take over you to read through the whole post!*